I wouldn't say I hate school, but sometimes, it just gets so stressing. Oh, bothersome.
Well I would like to sincerly apologise to everyone. I've been simply not talking often, this mainly is associated to fei pors. Although I'm not really sure if we still exist, I would just like to say sorry especially for not hanging around the b-ball courts more often. =)
OMG MASTERCHEF is back on !!!
glee and
how i met your mother and
T.V timing xP
Anyways to my dearest Belle
I have something to say, something really important I've been trying to say all year.
It so hard just to confront you about it.
So here it goes :
I fail at making aeroplane jelly cups/stacks.
I was trying to make some for your bday, but when i finished making a layer of jelly it would just dissolve the bottom layer. Sorry bby ~
Did that scare you ? buhahaha s2 nahh love you ^^.