♪ Debussy - Claire De Lune on
repeat - actually really annoying after the 15th time... although, a remarkable and really talented composition .. it's making me god damn sleepy !!
So you wonder why I don't just change it ?
One; I'm too lazy
Two; I've made the headphones and volume and effects especially loud so I can hear it.. Therefore, if I change it, I'll probably die .. or go deaf.
Three; I'm planning to learn it - after my piano exam
or before New Moon comes out :)
Four; I have OTD & OCD - therefore I'm like addicted to any stupid thing related to Twilight or Cullen or Robert Pattinson or Kristen Stewart or them together..
So there,
17th already!!! Grrr.. Stupid piano theory ... Have to type it up and shit for tomorrow and memorise it by tomorrow.. Ahh.. I wish I was born Mozart; perfect pitch.. perfect piano skillz .. Bleh.. Really not up for piano lesson tomorrow. Haven't even practiced my scales .___."
Anywayyyy, today was teh most boring city day ever. Mum had to go take a test @ somewhere and we woke up @ 7, walked a circle around Hurstville.
i looked like a zombie. i only had like .. 5 hours of sleep and I was expected to be ready @ 7:30 ... >.> In the end, I did a ~close your eyes and grab anything~ I ended up with jeans and a t shirt WOOOOT.. I hate jeans.
We got there @ 8, mum's friend came too. We realised it would go until 3:30pm - cancelling the piano lesson.. and Andy and I left @ 9:30 when the test started.. @ first we got lost @ town hall ish .. I had to call up several people before
one actually helped. LOL told me to ask in a shop (yes, the majority was krn) but eventually found our car... in fregging Central. We had to like renew the parking thingymibob every 2 hours.. omg -.- in the effing sun..
So, in the end... it cooled down and I fell asleep in the car on the way back from city - oh, my mum passed. LOL and yeah, her friend copied and passed too.. We ended up back at Hurstville @ 6 ... blehhhhh
I'm so sick of the city. I've went through every street in Central & Townhall. Next time Ima go get a taxi :LL
Well I better finish my piano theory notes :)
Bye bloggers.
34th time..