The birds outside my house can't shut up
They've been chirping for 2 hours STRAIGHT
Ahh well
Yearlies are in 3 weeks
idontcare for it
I've already wasted half of the holidays cleaning up the house
@.@ cbb studying for the yearlies
So tired ulehh~ only get like 6-8 hours sleep
>> stupid brother
Well i hope everyone is having fun ^^
Anna & Bec
I MISSS YOU GUYS sjfhkajshfjahgjhdkjh <3>
;) ulehh hopewe can all go out sometime
Don't study too hard. . hurts my head just thinking about studying
haha well i'll know definately that ......your gheyyyyy ^^
jks jks <3> But yeahh i know you'll do well
and have fun during the rest of the holidays
post post post post post post !!! Dx
or i'll hunt you down +.+
(if you wanted to know the birds have shut up)
haha forgive me for not posting but i've been busy doing stuff
and preparing for school
;) haha lol