Sorry for not posting in a while . . .^^
Well to start off I'm pissed offat everything now
epecially my family and friends (with some exceptions)
E.g My bitchy sister is a hypercritical, contradicating _____
I may sound melo-dramtic BUT IDC
argh just the way she acts and thinks pisses me off
shes like a little princess
ENOUGH off her
on to good things
Anyways, it doesnt feel like the 6 week holiday
it just doesnt feel like it christmas either
it weird aye?
in 2 years me and anna and bec will be seniors really scary thought
it so strnge cause year 8 seemed to fly by i wonder if year nine will be the same ?
Well yes I have nothing to do now cause my mum wont let me out EVER
not even to hurstville to see friends
(although i was never invited to anything) BUT still shes misses the whole point off me wanting go out with friends INSTEAD of family .. .. .mehh
Loves It Is @
misses nwong =O