I accomplished many things today =D just by going to a wedding
(Even though i didnt know the bride and groom :S)
Well it started off as an average day
(Sleeping in, Eating etc)
But around 12:30 we headed off to our lady of fatima Catholic church in Kingsgrove
to see the couple officiallly wed together
(awwww) yeah alot of people cried anyways agfter that
i stuffed my face with a lot of food cause there was sushi, sandwiches, drinks,dips,little cupcakes(did i mention they were those little CUTE cupcakes which you could eat in one bite?)cheesecake,biscuits etc
Absolutely love food especially when it's free and has fly germs all over it
but after that we meet these people (my mums friend's daughter)
and We went to their house in Glenfield
LOL there hosue is so big and has so many things -shock-
Yeah .... K a bit there, drink coke etc
Then Everyone in there family and my mum sis and me went to Central
and caught a taxi to Dalton house in Darling Harbour.
Once we were there the four of us (Sarah, Jena, Cat & me) were going really hypo
examples: - Jena went to the guy who serves drinks, are you sure you dont want any drink cause i can hold the platter for you !!!
It should be once of those YOU SHOULD OF BEEN THERE MOMENTS
We laughed so hard
Anyways we got served alcohol, cause we sorta looked 18
but the thing is i dont like champange so i didnt drink any ^^
and the mangement people came to us and asked for our I.Ds
and one of us was like drinking hardcore and saying
"dont i look 18 to you" etc etc in the end she got caught etc etc
blehh~ after all the speeches we got our food and damn it the food was so nice
Everyone shared the food (because we had different choices) so we halfed everything
(btw the names were really fancy and i cbb putting all that detail)
Entree - Ravoli in Vanially creme chantellii
Fried calamari, eggplant pastry tart, onion, some other stuff
Main - Sirloin steak with pumpkin mash
Maryland chicken with potatoes
DESSERT - Chocolate cone with a hazlenut and chocolate sorbet and a cake
(when i got this the cone feel over, and it look really bad stupid service >.>)
- Rasperry cake with pistachio custard filling (hated this one)
anyways i stole like 10 piece of wedding cake =3
i sweari gain like so much weight kfjwjfha
going to hit the gym tmr
SO yeah then there was the bridal dance =D
and i finally for once had good luck
^~^ words can not explain how happy i was
yeah then we danced until 11.09 and went home which took 2 hours ><
loves anna and misses nwong
...going to post more often now ^^