Shouldn't I be doing my Geography assignment; yes I should.
Why aren't I doing it ? - Because I can't seem to concentrate enough.
When do I have to finish it ? - If possible, today.
Now.. let's talk =]
Firstly, Nathan Wong thankies for saying good luck and I'll work very hard to get it done for that prize :DD
& To Jordie, Please please pleaseeeee delete them T~T They're not memories.. They're gey ness thingys that embarrass me alot. I hate my year 7 face. I hate my year 6 face. 3 year old face and this year's face.. =]
School was fun today, we got wet from water rockets
Silly Edwin. Silly teacher trying to avoid the water but instead got soaked. Stupid me who didn't let go of the bottle and ended up being sprayed in the face. Patrick bought in this huge 2L bottle which we filled up and I soaked everyone around me XD !
Japanese was alright, Daniel Cawthrone is so dayum tall.. His legs were like reaching my feet under the table. Won a stamp but didn't get a lolly (CAUSE ITS FAT)
And.. PE was awesome. Netball, Team Annahs versed Viviens. Guess who won ? YUP US ~ Full on swished 3 goals in a row. I was playing Goal Shooter against Sharpy .. Tall dude T~T Called him a bitch 500 times lollolol. Near the end, Irene full on went manly and threw the ball 2 my face. Ouch owo" Sat down next to Matthew Humphreys CRIPPLED haha and just recovered. Went high on the rule "contact" and full on ganged Nathan LOL. Fun fun fun.. I did go a little competitive against Vivien... You know just a little ? >//< ! I hate losing ok. Not my fault. Oh well, love her heaps <3
nwong, work hard for the remainder of this term ok =]